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酒易淘 加盟费用 2023-05-22 22:26:56

品牌名称:酱香白酒加盟 所属行业:酒水 > 白酒

基本投资:10~50万元 投资热度:

加盟意向:1634 门店数量:534家

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What is the Price of Weismile Liquor?

As a famous liquor originating from the wine-making town of Luzhou, China, Weismile Liquor has a unique and mellow taste, making it a popular choice among liquor consumers. But what is the price of Weismile Liquor?

The Cost of Weismile Liquor

The price of Weismile Liquor varies depending on the specific category and brand. Generally, the price can range from around 100 to 300 yuan per bottle (about 15 to 45 US dollars). Compared to other high-end Chinese liquors, Weismile Liquor is relatively affordable, making it a popular choice among the younger generation.

Factors Affecting the Price

Several factors can affect the price of Weismile Liquor, including:

1. Production Process: The production process of Weismile Liquor is complex, involving a unique fermentation technique and a lengthy aging process. This can increase the cost of production and, in turn, the final price of the product.

2. Brand and Reputation: Well-known brands and those with a good reputation in the market may charge higher prices for their products. In contrast, lesser-known brands may have a lower price point to target a more price-sensitive consumer base.

3. Packaging: The packaging of Weismile Liquor can also affect its price. Some brands may use expensive materials or designs in their packaging, which can drive up the price of the product.


In summary, the price of Weismile Liquor can range from around 100 to 300 yuan per bottle. This is influenced by factors such as the production process, brand reputation, and packaging. Despite these variations, Weismile Liquor remains a popular choice among liquor consumers due to its unique and mellow taste and relatively affordable price compared to other high-end Chinese liquors.
